Saturday, March 30, 2013


We are planning to conduct an Instructor Certification Seminar in Singapore. Those interested, please email me on Or email Gilbert Chee as per the flyer below

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I copied this from a post in YouTube....Classic Tatang...This is the type of knowledge I will attempt to pass on.

Monday, March 25, 2013

IT'S BACK!!!!! Ray Floro's Knife DVD

THE ESSENTIAL RAY FLORO- It's been more than 2 years since this DVD has been available.

Now IT'S BACK.!!!!!!!

A 2 DVD set covering the complete Edged Weapons Systems of Floro Fighting Systems.

Taking you from the most basic concepts to through to the subtleties that make Floro Fighting Systems the most unique and sought after knife system.

The DVD also includes unarmed defence against edged weapons from standing to sitting; and goes through an array of improvised weapons that can increase your chances of survival.

The DVD set normally retails for $67.00..........but is offered for online purchase at a special price of $47.00 + $7.00 postage

Paypal orders through OR
Email orders at      

Thursday, March 21, 2013


FLORO FIGHTING SYSTEMS LOGO SHIRTS now available for $30 + Postage.  The logo is printed covering most of the back and a small logo at the front left breast. Excellent Quality!!

UPDATE!!!! Shirt plus postage is $37 (within Australia) . Send payment to PayPal address Please specify SIZE and give SHIPPING ADDRESS. If you don't have PayPal. Email me in

The eight arms of the symbol represent the angles of attack or of strikes. The dots at the end and at the intersection of the arms at the centre, represent thrusts. They also represent the direction of footwork and movement.

One of the essential elements of the system is the small circle near the centre. This emphasises that the execution of techniques avoids wide, unnecessary movements, therefore enhancing speed, power and timing.

Some of the arms are broken and some are full. This represents the other essential
ingredient that one needs to master - broken timing and broken rythm. You need to break the opponents timing and rythm and moves within the system take advantage of this.

The name Floro Fighting Systems was coined because Raymond Floro learned from many masters including Tony Diego, Rommie Macapagal, Edgar Sulite, Christopher Ricketts, Tony Dedal, and Angelo Santangelo to name a few.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


This video clip was shared by one of my students (thanks Andrew).  It clearly shows how deadly a knife encounter can turn to.  Be vigilante of a knife wielder even though you think you have clear advantage of weapons and group numbers